20 Actions to Take and Avoid During a Fire in Your Skyscraper

If you find yourself in a towering metropolis such as Dubai, Sharjah, or Abu Dhabi and the skyscraper you’re in catches fire, it’s crucial to know the actions to take for your safety.

Living in a multi-story building means there’s a chance you might encounter a fire incident, whether directly or as an observer. In both situations, it’s crucial to know how to protect yourself and ensure the safety of others.

Call on 997 Emergency number for UAE Fire services.

Many high-rise fires are caused by the careless disposal of lit cigarette butts in garbage chutes or negligent cooking in the kitchen.

It is recommended to have a fire extinguisher installed in your apartment and ensure it is replaced before its expiration date.

Thus, below are a few points that you need to take for your Skyscraper fire safety.

To-Do in Case of a Fire in your Residence Tower

Here’s what you should do in such a situation:

1. Stay Calm and Access the Situation

Maintain composure to think clearly and act decisively. Panic can lead to poor decisions. Quickly determine the location of the fire relative to your position.

2. Alert Others and Fire Services

Immediately pull the nearest fire alarm to alert others in the building and call the fire department or emergency services if it’s safe to do so. Call on 997 emergency number for UAE Fire services.

3. Evacuate Safely

Use the nearest stairwell to exit the building. Always use the stairs to evacuate; never use elevators during a fire, as they could malfunction or take you directly to the fire floor.

4. Protect Yourself from Smoke

Smoke rises, so stay as low as possible while evacuating to breathe cleaner air. Cover your nose and mouth with a cloth to filter out some of the smoke.

5. Check Doors for Heat

Before opening any doors, use the back of your hand to check if they are hot. A hot door indicates fire on the other side, so you should not open it and find another route.

6. Close Doors Behind You

To help prevent the spread of fire and smoke, close doors behind you as you evacuate.

7. Check for Safety

Before opening doors, feel them with the back of your hand to ensure they are not hot, indicating the presence of fire on the other side.

8. Follow Evacuation Signs

If you are familiar with the building’s evacuation plan, follow the designated routes to the nearest exit. If you don’t know the plan, follow exit signs.

9. Assist Others:

Help those who are less able, like children, the elderly, or disabled individuals, if you can do so without putting yourself at risk.

To-Do in Case of a Fire in your Residence Tower

Here’s what you should avoid in such a situation:

1. Don’t Panic

Panicking can cloud judgment and lead to poor decision-making.

2. Don’t Ignore Alarms

Never assume a fire alarm is a false alarm or a drill. Always take it seriously and respond immediately.

3. Don’t Use Elevators

Elevators could fail during a fire or take you to the fire floor. Always use the stairs.

4. Don’t Open Hot Doors

If a door is hot to the touch, do not open it as fire could be directly on the other side.

5. Don’t Break Windows

Opening or breaking windows can draw in fresh oxygen, potentially fueling the fire and altering ventilation patterns in unpredictable ways.

6. Don’t Hide in Bathrooms

Unless you are instructed by emergency personnel or have no other option, do not hide in bathrooms or other small rooms without a clear path to the outside.

7. Don’t Go Upstairs

Heading to higher floors can trap you above the fire level. Always try to move downwards or to the designated assembly point unless you’re directed otherwise by emergency services.

8. Don’t Re-enter the Building

Once you have evacuated, do not go back inside the building until it has been declared safe by authorities.

9. Don’t Ignore Emergency Personnel

Follow the instructions of firefighters and emergency responders. They are trained for these situations.

10. Don’t Assume Everyone Knows

If possible, alert others about the fire without endangering yourself, but don’t assume they are aware of the emergency.

Staying calm and avoiding these actions can help ensure your safety during a fire in a skyscraper.

In cities with towering skyscrapers like Dubai, Sharjah, or Abu Dhabi, the high-rise buildings are equipped with advanced fire safety systems. Familiarize yourself with these systems and evacuation procedures to ensure your safety in case of a fire.

What to Do and Don’t do when you an Observer to the Fire

If you are an observer and not inside the skyscraper that is engulfed in fire, follow these steps to ensure your safety and possibly assist others:

  1. Stay Clear of the Building: Keep a safe distance to avoid falling debris, glass, or exposure to smoke and heat.
  2. Call Emergency Services: Immediately call the fire department or emergency services if you suspect they have not yet been alerted.
  3. Avoid Blocking Access: Keep streets and access points clear for emergency vehicles and responders.
  4. Watch for Evacuees: Be aware of people evacuating the building and assist them if you can do so safely. Guide them away from the building to a safe location.
  5. Follow Instructions from Authorities: Pay attention to instructions from emergency personnel and law enforcement on the scene. They may need to expand the safety perimeter or evacuate nearby buildings.
  6. Provide Information: If you have relevant information about the fire (e.g., location of the fire, people trapped, etc.), provide it to the emergency services.
  7. Do Not Enter the Building: Never attempt to enter the building or go near it to take photos or videos. You could endanger yourself and interfere with rescue operations.
  8. Offer Assistance: If there is a safe way to assist, such as helping with crowd control, providing first aid, or assisting evacuees, do so without putting yourself at risk.
  9. Stay Informed: Listen to local news or emergency broadcasts for information about the fire and follow any public safety announcements.
  10. Avoid Spreading Unverified Information: Only share information about the fire from reliable sources to prevent panic or misinformation.

As an observer, your primary role is to ensure your safety while following the instructions of emergency personnel and offering assistance if it is safe to do so.

How to Prevent your Car incase there is an Skyscraper Fire

Preventing damage to your car in the event of a skyscraper fire involves proactive measures and quick action once the fire breaks out. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Park Smartly:
    • Park your car away from buildings, especially skyscrapers, when possible. This reduces the risk of falling debris or heat damage.
    • Avoid parking in basements or multi-story parking lots of buildings identified as having a fire, as these areas can become filled with smoke or be cut off by the fire.
  2. Stay Informed:
    • Pay attention to local news or a building’s alarm system for any fire alerts.
    • Be aware of the fire safety plan for the area you are in, especially if you frequently park near large buildings.
  3. Act Quickly:
    • If a fire breaks out in a nearby skyscraper, move your car as soon as it is safe to do so. Follow the guidance of emergency services regarding safe exit routes.
    • Ensure your vehicle is ready to be moved at short notice; this means regularly checking that your vehicle is in good working condition and not low on fuel.
  4. Use Technology:
    • Install apps or subscribe to services that notify you of local emergencies, including fires, so you can act quickly even if you’re not in the immediate vicinity of your car.
  5. Follow Emergency Personnel Instructions:
    • In the event of a large-scale emergency like a skyscraper fire, follow the instructions and directions given by emergency personnel. They may direct you to move your vehicle or prevent access to certain areas for safety reasons.
  6. Secure Important Items:
    • Do not leave valuable items in your car. In case you have to leave your car behind during a skyscraper fire, having your important items with you (like documents, electronics, etc.) ensures they won’t be lost if your car is damaged.
  7. Insurance Coverage:
    • Ensure that your car insurance policy covers damage from fires, including those not started in the vehicle itself. This can provide financial protection in case your vehicle is damaged due to a fire in a nearby building.

By following these preventive measures, you can reduce the risk of damage to your car in the event of a skyscraper fire and ensure your safety and preparedness in such situations.

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